3.51 g/t Gold Over 67.5 Meters and 2.76 g/t Gold Over 51.9 Meters Intersected At Beartrack


TORONTO, ON - Revival Gold Inc. reported results from the final eight holes of the twelve-hole 2017 portion of the Company's planned 11,000-meter core drilling program at the past producing Beartrack Gold Project ("Beartrack") located in Lemhi County, Idaho. 

Highlights: .73 g/t Au over 29.2 meters1 from 99.1 meters to 128.3 meters in BT17-200D; .51 g/t Au over 67.5 meters1 from 98.6 meters to 166.1 meters in BT17-201D; .99 g/t Au over 54.7 meters1 from 91.6 meters to 146.3 meters in BT17-203D; and 2.76 g/t Au over 51.9 meters1 from 53.6 meters to 105.5 meters in BT17-205D.

"All eight holes released today intersected significant gold mineralization", said Hugh Agro, President & CEO. "Revival Gold will now initiate work on an updated resource estimate for Beartrack".

Seven of the eight drill holes released today (BT17-200D through BT17-206D) targeted near-surface oxide and mixed oxide-sulphide mineralization in the Ward's Gulch and South Pit areas. 

Revival Gold's near-surface drill results at both Ward's Gulch and the South Pit compare favorably with historic drilling completed by Meridian Beartrack in the 1990's. A more detailed comparison of 2017 drill results to historic results along with the preparation of an updated geological and resource model encompassing historic data as well as 13,737 meters of drilling completed in 2012, 2013 and 2017 is underway.

In addition to near surface drill holes, Revival Gold completed two deep drill holes in 2017 (BT17-194DB and BT17-199D) targeting high grade mineralization previously intercepted at depth by BT12-175D at Ward's Gulch. 

Gold mineralization at Beartrack occurs along five kilometers of the Panther Creek Fault and high grades have been encountered in a number of deep holes along strike. A reinterpretation of the geology integrating post-2012 drilling suggests that potential exists for additional high-grade along strike. With that in mind, in addition to surface drilling, further deep drilling will be planned to continue testing for high-grade mineralization in the Ward's Gulch area and in four other known mineralized areas at depth along the Panther Creek Fault.

Revival Gold's technical team is currently finalizing details for the Company's 2018 exploration program at Beartrack. The program is fully permitted and will include approximately 8,000 meters of core drilling. At the same time, the Company is planning drill hole locations for 2019 so that a Plan of Operations can be submitted to the United States Forest Service ("USFS") in the spring of 2018 for permit approval in time for the 2019 drilling season.

At Revival Gold's neighboring Arnett Creek Gold Project, a Plan of Operations has been submitted to the USFS. The Plan of Operations, when approved, will allow for the construction of up to 53 drill sites at Arnett Creek with approximately 2,000 meters of core drilling planned for late summer 2018.